


CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions





1. Civil Law has its origin in the ….., having evolved from the commentaries of European scholars on the Justinian code.

a) Greek

b) Roman

c) French

d) Hebrew


2. It is believed that there are more than ….. ethnic groupings in Nigeria

a) 250

b) 200

c) 210

d) 255


3. Justice is fairness, equity, and the ….. application of the law.

a) wrong

b) main

c) right

d) same


4. In as much as ….. consists of one’s belief about something or thoughts,

a) science

b) art

c) philosophy

d) law


5. The greatest advocate of the Realist School was ….. Holmes of the United States Supreme Court.

Ans. Justice Oliver Wendell


6. The unwritten law could be explained from ….. different perspectives.

a) five

b) three

c) four

d) two


7. A good example of the law of nature is the Law of …..,

a) Moses

b) Karma

c) International

d) English


8. As a result of the ….. influence and the subsequent imposition of English law

a) law

b) government

c) philosophers

d) colonial


9. Political ….. largely refers to the rule by the people, either directly or through representatives.

a) parties

b) governor

c) governance

d) ruler


10. The term ….. means, the laws, courts, personnel of the law, and the administration of the Justice System in a given state, country, or geographical entity.

Ans. legal system


11. it is the law of ….. which makes us sleep, laugh, and be angry.

a) labour

b) nature

c) constitutional

d) criminal


12. What is the acronym of UNO

a) United Nations Organization

b) Union National Organization

c) United National Organ

d) Unit Not Open


13. A law made to combat environmental or ecological problems in the Niger Delta area or a law establishing a particular University is known as …..

a) Local act

b) Public general act

c) Private act

d) Consolidating act


14. Aristotle saw justice as essential in the ….. of Human Affairs.

a) act

b) Arts

c) law

d) All the above


15. Four courts that were established under Sections 230 to 285 of the constitution are except ……………

a) The Supreme Court

b) The Local of Court of Appeal

c) The Federal High Court  

d) The State High Court 


16. State high court was established by the ….. Constitution.

a) 1979

b) 1977

c) 1975

d) 1970


17. ….. Contemporary English, has defined law as a rule that is supported by the power of government and that Parliament makes/passes laws.

a) Government

b) President

c) Oxford

d) Long-man Dictionary


18. ….. Law comprises those laws that serve to regulate the conduct of persons in their interpersonal dealings, conferring status, rights and obligations on individuals or corporate persons.

a) Natural

b) Public

c) Private

d) Company


19. ….. has a well-structured hierarchy in its judicial set-up.

a) France

b) London

c) Nigeria

d) Court


20. An Act of the National Assembly commences as a bill and may be introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives.

a) Money bill

b) Ordinary bill

c) Waybill

d) Nepa bill


21. A custom does not become legally binding unless it receives the force of …..

a) government

b) human

c) law

d) nature


22.  The law that binds respective States and regulates their mutual co-existence and relationship is known as …..

Ans.International law


23. Prior to the amalgamation by Lord Lugard in 1914, there existed ….. distinct administrations in the geopolitical entity that is today known as Nigeria.

a) three

b) five

c) four

d) two


24. The rule of ….. is one of the cardinal ingredients of political or democratic governance.

a) nature

b) human

c) law

d) life


25. The ….. school considered law from the point of view of what the courts will do concerning a particular legal problem.

a) functional

b) Realist

c) Positive  

d) Historical


26. Legislation may be primary or ….. legislation

a) subsidiary

b) secondary

c) lower

d) higher


27. ….. is the control of social behavior that is, behavior that affects others.

Ans. Social control


28. According to Aquina, justice is a matter within intercourse between ……

a) life

b) children

c) adult

d) humans


29. Before a person can be appointed as a Magistrate except a Magistrate Grade III he must have qualified as a ….. in Nigeria for a reasonable period preceding the date of his appointment.

a) professor

b) legal practitioner

c) senior advocate

d) masters


30. The law which defines the rights and duties of persons to one another and provides a system whereby an individual who is injured by the wrongful act of another can be compensated for the damage, which he has suffered is refers to as …..

Ans. civil law


31. Legislation as a source of law means the law made by the ….. of government whose primary duty is to make law for the State.

a) some

b) most

c) Organ

d) representative


32. The literal meaning of divine law is the law of …..

a) Man

b) Government

c) Human

d) God


33. Law is not static but …..

a) helpful

b) dynamic

c) good

d) affirmative


34. Proposals for ….. may be made to cope with the scientific and technological breakthroughs in order to maintain law and order in the area

Ans. legislation


35. ….. is a Statute which attempts to put together in one document the provisions of the existing legislation, the principles of common law and doctrines of equity which have over a period of time on a particular subject.

Ans. A Code


36. In some way, law and ….. may appear to mean the same thing and the two are often confused.

a) order

b) peace

c) morality

d) None of the above


37. The Customary Court of Appeal was established under section 265 (1) of the ….. constitution.

a) 1995

b) 1992

c) 1999

d) 1980


38. The various legislative powers are as follows except

a) Residual List

b) Concurrent Legislative List

c) Exclusive Legislative List

d) Right legislative list


39. The sources of international law include all but one

a) International customary practices

b) municipal

c) Bilateral agreements

d) Conventions.

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40. Remember that power corrupts absolutely….. corrupts absolutely.

a) money

b) fame

c) power

d) wealth


41. The word eternal is derived from …..

a) entry

b) enter

c) eternity

d) empty


42. English law remains a major source of ….. law

a) British

b) Nigeria

c) France

d) London


43. Rule of Law is a constitutional doctrine, which emphasizes the supremacy of the ….. as administered by the law courts.

a) man

b) law

c) acts

d) All of the above


44. Times in which the interpretation of the literal rule the intention of the legislators cannot be reached is known as …..

Ans. The golden rule


45. When a person is alleged to have committed a crime, the victim instead of resorting to vengeance or self-help reports the matter to the police it is said to be ……

Ans. Penal Technique


46. Legal practitioners are admitted to the bar as solicitors and advocates of the Supreme Court of …..

a) Nigeria

b) London

c) France

d) African


47. A person who may not intend to cause a harmful result can still be seen to have taken an ….. risk in causing it.

Ans. unjustifiable


48. Law, whether Divine, natural, or human is a necessity for right life or good life in any ……

a) life

b) human

c) one

d) realm


49. It demands that all actions of government officials and the citizenry should not be justified in law.



50. To Plato, functions in the state were likened to the division of the nature of the …..

a) law

b) soul

c) human

d) life


In Conclusion

POL211 CBT exam practice questions are carefully selected questions and answers selected from the course material provided by the National Open University of Nigeria for purely educational purposes. The questions and answers have proven effective and come in handy when talking about the computer-based exam.




Comment (1)

  1. Dami

    Doing great sir!

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