

CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions


1. There are _____ types of socio-political groupings in Nigeria

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four


2. _____ is a system of govt which priest rules in the name of God or god.

a) Theocracy

b) Oligarchy

c) Plutocracy

d) Gerontocracy  


3. it is a fact that Nigeria came into being in its present form in 1914 with the amalgamation by _____

a) Sir Frederick Timberland

b) Sir Lord Ayo

c) Sir Wole Soyinka

d) Sir Frederick Lugard


4. First Republic became mired in ethnic and regionally-based power

a) Ethnicity

b) Politics 

c) Conflict

d) Riot


5. Military dictatorship lasted for more than ____ years

a) 40

b) 30

c) 20

d) 35


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6. Military coup in the history of Nigeria started with the coup of January ___

a) 1966

b) 1965

c) 1967

d) 1964


7. Nigeria had to endure _____ military coups with seven military heads of state

a) Eight

b) Nine

c) Six

d) Five


8. A theory is a category with which we analyze, organize, and synthesize _____ into interconnected and internally coherent  wholes.

a) Situations

b) Scenereos

c) Plan

d) Phenomena 



9. _____  was an English man who lived in the days of the Civil War (1642-51).

a) Locke

b) Ayo

c) Hobbes

d) Tesla



10. The _______, 1651 by his analysis of human nature in the conception of man as being essentially selfish

a) Leviathan

b) Levensis

c) Levitate

d) Levi



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11. state of nature is _____ ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short’.

a) Conflict

b) Confusion

c) War

d) Riot


12. The purpose of Locke (1632 – 1704) in his Two Treaties of Government (1690) was to justify the English Revolution of _____ after James II had been deposed from the throne

a) 1685

b) 1688

c) 1688

d) 1687



13. The _____ contract theory of Rousseau (1712 – 78) developed in his Contrat Social (1762).

a) Monarch

b) Pluto

c) Social 

d) Capitalist


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14. According to_____, man is essentially good and sympathetic.

a) Rousseau

b) Frankly

c) Marcuse

d) Aristotle



15. To ____ Marx, the state is, essentially, a coercive apparatus which is usually in the service of the ruling class in a class-divided society.

a) Marxist

b) Karl

c) Platto

d) Tutor Ayo



16. Indigenous communities, traditional leadership institutions served the ____ purpose of both cultural and political leadership of their communities.

a) Multiple

b) Dual

c) Quadruple

d) Single


17. There are ____ types of socio-political groupings in Nigeria

a) Four

b) Five

c) Three  

d) Six


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18. Integration enhances the spirit of tolerance and ______.

a) Tranquility

b) War

c) Disparities

d) Harmony 


19. Under the colonial government secularism worked perfectly since religion was kept out of government ______.

a) Business 

b) Enterprise

c) Act

d) Industry



20. First Republic became mired in ethnic and regionally-based _____ politics

a) Wealth

b) Power 

c) Resources

d) Land


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21. ______ is identified as the sum of social organizations that interact within the state’s boundaries, as well as with the state.

a) Population

b) Community

c) Society

d) State



22. Commonality among non-state actors led to competition for a _____

a) Power

b) Land

c) Wealth

d) Resource  



23. Movement for the Emancipation of ______ Delta (MEND)

a) Nigeria

b) Niger 

c) Netherlander

d) New Zealand


24. Movement for the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) in the _____

a) East

b) Easterner

c) East North

d) Easth South  



25. The state is legal construct acting under ______ terms 

a) Constitutional

b) Judiciary

c) Legislative

d) Nationally



26. ______ means to bind morally by some favour rendered or to legally constrain by contract or by duty.

a) Responsibility

b) Obligation 

c) Work

d) Ethics


27. _____ obligation is the legal imposition of obligation on the citizen to obey the laws of the government which usually leaves the individual no option.

a) Societal

b) Organizational

c) Political 

d) Business



28. Rawls acknowledges the existence of several natural duties classified into ___ main type.

a) Three

b) Four

c) Five

d) Two 



29. These duties negatively require individual members of a state to refrain from performing ____ acts

a) Bad  

b) Criminal

c) Harmful

d) Dangerous



30. _____ is defined as ‘the quality attributable to human action by reason of its conformity or lack of conformity to standards or rules according to which it should be regulated.

a) Morality

b) Serenity

c) Purity

d) Purification


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31. _____ facie has been used in relation to Political Obligation

a) Primitive

b) Procraste

c) Prima 

d) Poseai



32. The essential attribute of a state as a contracted human organization/institution is its provision of _____ goods

a) Public 

b) Private

c) Predictive

d) Promotional  



33. public goods are fundamental benefits to the _____ such as national defence, good roads, health programmes, law and order which a state provides.

a) Public servants

b) Citizens 

c) State members

d) First class citizens




34. Mohandas _____ (1961) have maintained that civil disobedience is an inherent right of a citizen” without which the citizen is less than a man (or woman)”

a) Ganbi

b) Gabia

c) Grammy

d) Ghandi 



35. A civil ______ is regarded as a criminal that deserves to be punished.

a) Obedience

b) Disobedient 

c) Misconduct

d) Malpractice





36. The terms liberty and_____ can be used synonymously.

a) Freedom

b) Agreement

c) Diplomacy

d) Justice



37. _____(1961:7) wrote in his seminar paper “Two Concepts of Liberty” two influential and important perspectives of liberty namely the negative and positive liberty.

a) Fide

b) Sally

c) Berlin

d) Ayo 



38. _____ liberty is refers to being motivated by purposes which are rationally self-determined, as opposed to one’s irrational passions, false consciousness, or outside manipulation of others.

a) Positive

b) Negative

c) Semi-positive

d) Ultra negative



39. _____ liberty is a matter of the absence of certain kinds of interference by others.

a) Positive

b) Negative

c) Semi-positive

d) Ultra negative



40. _____ could be regarded as the most privileged form of nationality.

a) Citizenship 

b) Nationality

c) Regionalism

d) Election



41. ____ is “the extension and expansion of political space, autonomy and institutions to the benefit of geopolitical units.

a) Feudalism

b) Sociology

c) Capitalism

d) Federalism 



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42. citizenship as defined by international law denotes all persons whom a state is entitled to _____.

a) Protect

b) Tax

c) Charge

d) Bill



43. Citizenship or membership is channeled through one authoritative agent, the _____.

a) Nation

b) State 

c) Region

d) Geo-political Zone



44. Religious fundamentalism offers ideological support for the assertion of the _____ values and institutions.

a) Classical

b) Primordial 

c) Contemporary

d) Ancient




45. _____ means love of one’s own country and willingness to defend it.

a) Selflessness

b) Genuineness

c) Patriotism 

d) Addiction



46. Nigeria is a complex country with problems that date as far back as 1884 even before the coming of Lord Lugard in ____.

a) 1889

b) 1891

c) 1892

d) 1894




47. Benin was conquered in ____

a) 1896

b) 1895

c) 1894

d) 1893



48. Sokoto was not conquered until _____

a) 1900

b) 1903

c) 1902

d) 1901




49. Northern Elements Progressive _____ (NEPU)

a) Union

b) Co-operative

c) Company

d) Organization



50. _____ then is distinguished from gender by what one is born as, that isfemale or male, and therefore it is a biological concept.

a) Gender

b) Kinship

c) Linage

d) Sex 


In Conclusion

The above questions are exam practice questions carefully selected by professionals to facilitate, and enhance students preparation for their examination.

Feel feel free to contact us at https:www.tutorayo.com for further assistance if need be.  

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  1. Mide

    Thank you sir

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