

CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions


1. _____ Holland’s (1973) theory is grounded in what he called modal personal orientation or a developmental process established through heredity and the individual’s life history of reacting to the environmental demands.

a) Peter

b) James

c) Ayo

d) John 




2. _____ Psychologist Involved in criminology and legal issues relating to investigation and prosecution of criminals

a) Education

b) Military

c) Forensic 

d) Legal



3. Recruitment via announcement of vacancies is attracting from the labour market those who are qualified and willing to fill the ______

a) Spaces

b) Role

c) Job

d) Vacancies 




4. _____ this means either temporary or total loss of material previously learn.

a) Forgetting

b) Distraction

c) Remembering

d) Memory loss



5. _____ Lewin’s Model in the 1940s introduced a model for proper management of an effective change process.

a) Taylor

b) Kurt 

c) Franklin

d) Ayo


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6.  _____ can be defined as an enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of the environment.

a) Character

b) Behaviour

c) Attitude 

d) Mindset



7. The _____ are not born but made and require basic skills and attributes

to succeed.

a) Lawyers

b) Entrepreneurs

c) Judges

d) Negotiators



8. Career ____ is situated within the organizational environment, where it involves levels of employees who are individually responsible for growth or development of their career.

a) Management

b) Establishment

c) Development 

d) Coordination



9. Quality of _____ Life (QWL)

a) Wall

b) Work

c) Word

d) Weight  



10. Staffing covers ____ distinct but interrelated issues of recruitment, selection and placement.

a) Three 

b) Two

c) Four

d) Five


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11. The _____ Psychological Association, merged the two set of psychologists into what is now the Industrial/Organizational Psychology Division 14 in 1990s

a) Austrian

b) American

c) Argentina

d) Nigeria




12. Industrial Psychology as an academic discipline started with the pioneering works of Musterberg in _____

a) 1913

b) 1915

c) 1911

d) 1912



13. Organizational Psychology thus began as a separate field of study different and independent of Industrial _____. (Began Vol 2)

a) Chemistry

b) Physics

c) Psychology 

d) Biology




14. Industrial-Organizational Psychologist tackles industrial and organizational problems especially as they relate to the ____ aspect of the organization

a) Man

b) Human 

c) Social

d) Society



15. ______ is a rigorous exercise involving a number of steps such as aptitude test, interview, reference check and medical test.

a) Selection

b) Employment

c) Recruitment

d) Staffing  




16. ______ involve putting the right worker on the right job.

a) Placement 

b) Employment

c) Recruitment

d) Staffing



17. Organization will always need people to renew, replace, reinvent and refurbish the organizational processes for optimum ______

a) Effectively

b) Performance 

c) Efficiently

d) Moderately




18. Developmental psychologists try to understand ____ human behavior by studying the onset of a behavior pattern and the orderly way in which they change over time.

a) Difficult

b) Unyielding

c) Complex 

d) Challenging



19. Understanding human behavior, from a scientific point of view, is the overall goal of ______.

a) Forensic

b) Medicine

c) Legal

d) Psychology




20. Sigmund_____ (1934) proposed a method for the study of human mind called psychoanalysis.

a) Aristotle

b) Plato

c) Freud 

d) Ayo



21. Industrial Psychology as a sub-field of Psychology dated to the work of some notable ______ such as Hugo Munsterberg, Fredrick Taylor, Eton Mayo, Abraham Maslow and so many.

a) Writers 

b) Scientist

c) Lawyers

d) Physicians




22. Selection means determining among the so-recruited, the best possible ____ for the position advertised.

a) Worker

b) Hand 

c) Individual

d) Candidate




23. Organizations basically offers services whether tangible or _____.

a) Flexible

b) Rigid

c) Intangible 

d) Physical




24. The term Psychology is a combination of _____ words; Psyche which means the mind and Logos which means word.

a) Four

b) Three

c) Two 

d) One




25. Industrial Psychology as an academic discipline started with the pioneering works of ______ (1913)

a) Henry

b) Wolesoyinka

c) Ayo

d) Musterberg  





26. Successful recruitment and selection culminates in ______, to new employee suitably absorbed into not just a job position.

a) Placement 

b) Employment

c) Integration

d) Blending




27. Organizational Psychologists shifted concerns to ______ of group and group processes at work.

a) Disregard

b) Influence 

c) Criticize

d) Propagate




28. _____ Psychology according to Kosylin & Rosenberg (2001) is the scientific study of human behaviour and mental processes.

a) Modern

b) Medivia

c) Accient

d) Classical




29. Human _____ holds a lot of charm for all and sundry.

a) Character

b) Attitude

c) Behaviour 

d) Socialization




30. There are ____ source of recruitment.

a) Four

b) Five

c) Three

d) Two


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31. ____ is a key process in human behavior It plays crucial role in language, custom, belief, attitude, personality and perceptions of people

a) Learning

b) Schooling

c) Education

d) Trading



32. Industrial Psychology as a sub-field of Psychology e focused on the issues of man at_____.

a) Home

b) Office

c) Church

d) Work 




33. There are over 50 fields of practice and subdivisions and by the turn of the 20th century psychology rated as one of the topmost professions in _____

a) America

b) London

c) Germany

d) Greece



34. first known _____ about managing human behaviour in industrial organizations and

Gilbret & Gilbreth (1917)

a) Material

b) Resource

c) Book 

d) Asset




35.  The array of goods and services generated as a result of organized effort, called work produces_____.

a) Task

b) Jobs 

c) Obligation

d) Responsibility



36. psychiatrist holds a degree in ______ while psychologist holds an M.Sc, M.Phil or PhD

a) Biology

b) Chemistry

c) Medicine 

d) Business




37. _____ involves report on job incumbents in an open or closed reporting system


a) Appreciation

b) Gratification

c) Gratitude

d) Appraisal  




38. Memory is one of the most important and valuable _____ process

a) Mental 

b) Physical

c) Logical

d) Empirical




39. Attributes required on the job & biographical data are also obtained through the ____

a) Blank 

b) File

c) Fill

d) Questionnaire



40. _____ planning analysis to determine whether there are deficiencies of skills

a) Woman power

b) Manpower 

c) Technology power

d) Social power


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41. Staffing includes manpower planning and job _____

a) Planning

b) Breakdown

c) Forecasting

d) Analysis 



42. Counselling Psychologist work is almost similar to that of a _____ psychologist


a) Clinical 

b) Medical

c) Research

d) Biology




43. Sigmund Freud (1934) proposed a method for the study of human mind called ____

a) Psychoanalysis 

b) Psycho-dynamic

c) Psychosomatic

d) Forensic





44. computer-aid ______‟ (CAE)


a) Enlightenment

b) Engineering 

c) Research

d) Evolution



45. _____, according to Eze (2004) is central and essential part of life.

a) Negotiation

b) Staffing

c) Work

d) Business



46. All but one is not a type of Negotiation according to Eze in 2004  

a) Win-Lose

b) Buy-Buy

c) Lose-Lose

d) Compromise


47. ADR means _____

a) Alternative Dispute Resolution

b) All Drivers Resident

c) Alternative Device Radio

d) Active Drive Ratio





48. What is the acronym for BAR

a) Business Assurance Review

b) Behavioral Assurance Rate

c) All of the above

d) Behavioral Anchored Ratings  



49. MBO means _____

a) Management By Objective

b) Money Base Offer

c) Management Basic Offer

d) Means By Objective  



50. _______ are forms of organization and although they are commonly associated with machines and equipment, man is an important component.






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