
Online Class Price List

CHOOSE WHAT SUITS YOU BEST​: Free Monthly  Per Semester

Online class payment


The General Class
# 00
Per Semester
  • General Classes
  • General Access
  • General Interaction


Payment Per Month
# 10,000 Per Month. Payment is Slightly Negotiable
  • Access to the General Class
  • Access to the Private Class
  • Access to the Telegram Class
  • Access to the YouTube Class
  • Access to one-on-one tutelage
  • Full access to the EXAM KEYNOTES
  • Talk to Tutor Anytime
  • The #5,000 will be minused fro the total amount.
  • #5,000 down payment to gain access
Limited Offer


Payment Per Semester
# 25,000 Per Semester. Payment is Slightly Negotiable
  • Access to the General class
  • Access to the YouTube Class
  • Access to the Telegram class
  • Access to one-on-one Tutelage
  • Semi access to the EXAM KEYNOTES
  • Talk to Tutor Ayo Anytime
  • Payment may be done instalmentally
  • Maximum of 3 times
  • #5,000 down payment, to gain access
  • #5,000 will be minused from total payment
Limited Offer