

NOUN ONLINE CLASS S5; CRD305, ENT305, INR112, 02/04/24
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ONLINE CLASS S5; CRD305, ENT305, INR112, 02/04/24


CRD305 VOL 1 Online Class | NOUN


In this volume of CRD305, VOL 1 Online Class | NOUN Concept of Rural is discussed in detail.


What does the Concept Rural Really Mean?


It is apparent that when the word RURAL is mentioned, there is a stigma attached to the word. The look of inferior, so to say.


The similarities between the Rural and the Urban community are discussed too.


The Functions of Rural Society are also discussed, some of these functions like,

One of the main functions of the Rural society is the production of consumables and the required resources for production.

The Rural society plays a major role in the supply of food to both the rural and urban areas.

It is also a clear fact that the rural society is the keeper of the natural resources.

The meaning of Development is discussed in detail;


What is development?

Generally speaking, development is seen as a visible upward shift from one particular point to another over a period of time.


To find out more, join CRD305 VOL 1 Online Class | NOUN class by using the link below.





ENT305 VOL 1 Online Class | NOUN


In this volume of ENT305 VOL 1 Online Class | NOUN the concept of Business is discussed in detail.


What Does the Concept of Business Really Mean?

The concept of business is seen as a set of activities dedicated to or geared toward the process of production or the availability of and the distribution of what is being produced or made available to where they are needed and in turn improves the economy.


The types of Businesses are also discussed.


What are the types of businesses?

The list is endless, but to mention but a few. We have the following;

Mining Business

Financial Business

Marketing Business


To find out more, join ENT305 VOL 1 Online Class | NOUN by using the link below.




INR112 VOL 3 Online Class | NOUN


In this volume of INR112 VOL 3 Online Class | NOUN, The Pre-Colonial African Society is discussed.


What was Life Like in the Pre-Colonial African Society?

Life during the pre-colonial African society is something was a time of peace and order, commerce and trade, worship and social activities, and lots more.

It is a clear fact that the business of exchange and value payment which is called commerce in the contemporary world has been in existence and thriving in Africa long before colonialization.  


Payment terminologies like debtors and creditors were understood, as debtors make themselves useful by working with the creditor in an attempt to pay back their debts.


The social-cultural activities of the pre-colonial African state could be said to be based on chieftaincy, reputation and extended families taking up the responsibilities of ensuring peace and order in various communities.


Discussion made apparent that the pre-colonial African society derives its law from basically two main sources which are;


Indigenous legislation


To find out more, join INR112 VOL 3 Online Class | NOUN class by using
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