
NOUN ONLINE CLASS S4; CSS134, GST103, PAD122, GST203 01/04/24

NOUN ONLINE CLASS S4; CSS134, GST103, PAD122, GST203 01/04/24
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NOUN ONLINE CLASS S4; CSS134, GST103, PAD122, GST203 01/04/24

NOUN ONLINE CLASS S4; CSS134, GST103, PAD122, GST203 01/04/24

·       CSS134 VOL 1 Online Class

In this volume, the meaning of criminology is discussed in detail.

Several approaches were considered, among which is a definition of Criminology, it is viewed as the observation and study of crime, factors that lead to crime, how crime can be explained and dissected in the most effective, and how people respond to crime using science to achieve this.

Crime does not happen in isolation, whenever it is committed or perpetrated, it does occur in a particular place, geographic location, and in a particular territory.

It is indeed true that there is a relationship between geography and crime and security studies. This is discovered in the class.

Have you asked yourself the question of why is it that, certain crimes are peculiar to certain areas?

The crime rate in a particular part of the country is higher, consistent, and alarming considering some other parts of the same country where crime occurs.

To find out more, join the CSS134 VOL 1 class by using the link below.



·       GST103 VOL 1 Online Class


In this volume of GST103 Data, information is discussed.

Data: could be seen as raw facts, these facts could be about phenomena, a person, a place, or an object.


Data being raw signifies that it is unprocessed.  Therefore, it makes little or no sense.


Information: this is seen as a message, made of verified or proceed data.


It carries a significant meaning and delivers according to its contextual use. It is easy to understand by the receiver or user because its facts, otherwise known as data, have been processed.

Find out more, and join the GST103 VOL 1 class by using the link below.



·       PAD122 VOL 2 Online Class

In this volume of the PAD122 online class, Behaviour Theories are discussed.

Considering behavioral theories, it is identified with two renowned approaches, which are the classical and operant conditioning principles.

Memory and the types of memories are also considered; having the likes of the

STM – Short-term memory

SOR – Stimulus Organisation Response

SM – Sensory memory

LTM – Long-term memory

To find out more, join the PAD122 VOL 2 class by using the link below.




·       GST203 Vol 2 Online Class

In this volume of the GST203 online class, Ethics is discussed.

Ethics is discussed to its genesis.

Speaking of the Genesis of Ethnics, it is derived from the Greek word ETHOS; meaning “custom” or “character”.

Ethics can otherwise be seen as a generally but guided accepted way of behaving or acting according to a particular custom.

Ethics is discussed in its varieties, speaking of;

·       Normative or Prescriptive Ethics

·       Meta-Ethics

Philosophy and science are also considered in this vol, the two terms are separately discussed.

Having considered some points, it therefore became apparent that science emanated from philosophy.

Science is all about explaining natural happenings and their significance more like a natural phenomenon.

While Philosophy on the other hand does less of the in-dept.

To find out more, join the GST203 VOL 2 class by using the link below.




Comment (1)

  1. Simi

    Thank you boss

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