

CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions




NOU107 / NOU707

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1. April 25, ……….. General Muhammad Buhari, who had become the Head of State of Nigeria, after the civilian government have been toppled in a coup d’état, suspended the NOU during a budget speech.


a) 1983

b) 1982

c) 1985

d) 1984


2. In …………. a new Open University, with the name, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) was established.


a) 2001

b) 2003

c) 2002

d) 2004


3.  Chief Olusegun Obasanjo has made history by becoming the first doctoral graduate of Christian ……… and of NOUN.


a) Scientist

b) Psychologist

c) Theology

d) Philosopher


4. ….…….Training and Research Institute for Open and Distance Learning (RETRIDAL)


a) Religion

b) Religious

c) Regional

d) Remedial


5. ….….. is the keyword behind the philosophy of open and distance learning.


a) Distance

b) Timeliness

c) Visibility

d) Openness


6. Openness in open and distance learning can be discussed in three major areas: people, places and ………


a) Ideas

b) Society

c) Innovations

d) Skills


7. Flexibility too can be examined in three areas: place, …… and pace.


a) Occasion

b) Distance

c) Accessibility

d) Time 


8. In research carried out by Rupanda and …… (2014) in Zimbabwe, 90% of the students agree that open and distance learning is affordable.


a) Afolabi

b) Alfonso

c) Alexis

d) Nyenya



9. ….…. (2015) also says that the advancement of information and communication technologies “have given rise to new opportunities for sharing information, resources, and experiences.


a) Fozdar

b) Gabriel

c) Ayoola

d) Lugard



10. ….…… is the interactivity that comes when the learner studies or examines the

course content (Moore & Keasley, 1996) and other instructional activities.

a) Learner-to-Content 

b) Learner-to-Learner

c) Learner-to-Instructor

d) Content-to- Learner


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11. This is the interaction that transpires between the learners and the lecturers

that is intended to reinforce students’ understanding of the course contents.

a) Learner-to-Content

b) Learner-to-Learner

c) Learner-to-Instructor

d) Content-to- Learner


12. For effective learning to take place, ……. types of peer behaviour are necessary


a) Five

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four



13. Learner-centred learning shifts focus of instruction from the teacher to the ……..


a) Learner

b) Student

c) Instructor

d) Teacher



14. The term…………encompasses learning resources and technology, means of teaching, modes of learning, and connections to societal and global contexts.


a) Learning arrangement

b) Learning environment

c) Learning strategies

d) Learning atmosphere


15. If you want to be successful as a distance-learning student, you must be able

to ……. yourself.

a) Fight

b) Discipline

c) Encourage

d) Tongue-lash


16. …… is considered to be the first of the four basic language skills involves receiving sounds through the ears, and processing it into meaningful bits.

a) Hearing

b) Listening

c) Analyzing

d) Elucidating



17. When we listen, it is not only the ears that are at work, but the



a) Eyes

b) Nose

c) Skin

d) Brain 



18. When we receive sounds through our……, our brain converts these

messages for proper assimilation and understanding.

a) Sight

b) Smell

c) Ears 

d) Body language


19. …… is one very essential skill that you must acquire to be able to

succeed in your study.

a) Listening

b) Fiddling

c) Observation

d) Experimenting


20. COL (2015) defines open and distance learning as a system of teaching and learning characterized by separation of teacher and learner in time and/or space and uses multiple media for delivery of……..


a) Education

b) Instruction

c) Activities

d) Tasks



21. The earliest appearance of distance education was in the form of ……… education.








22. first officially recognized attempt at distance education was …….Correspondence courses in shorthand

a) Tutor Joseph

b) Olivia

c) Tutor Ayo

d) Pitman’s



23. ….…….. stage of distance education was laid during the World War I, through the invention of the radio.


a) Second

b) Fifth

c) Third

d) Fourth


24. National University Extension Association was organized in ………

a) 1916

b) 1917

c) 1919

d) 1920


25. The first educational instruction by ……. was aired in 1916.


a) Television

b) Radio

c) Social media

d) Fax



26. The use of radio in distance education became global in ……


a) 1926

b) 1927

c) 1928

d) 1925



27. The ……. experiment began in 1874.


a) Fax

b) Radio

c) Television

d) Telecommunication



28. Spain’s National University of Distance Education was established in …….


a) 1973

b) 1974

c) 1972

d) 1975



29. NBC is an acronym for ……….


a) Nigerian Broadcasting Computation

b) Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation

c) Nigerian Broadcasting Cooperation

d) Nigerian Broadcasting Cooperative 


30. DLI is an acronym for ……..

a) Distance Learner Institute

b) Distance Learning Institute

c) Distance Learning Installment 

d) Distance Learning Integration  


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31. The decision to set up an open university in Nigeria was first conceived in …….


a) 1974

b) 1975

c) 1976

d) 1977 


32. Shorthand started in the …….


a) 1830s

b) 1820s

c) 1840s

d) 1850s.




33. Sir Isaac Pitman taught shorthand by ……

a) Fax

b) Mail

c) Radio

d) Television



34. The ……. Method is a special form of note taking drawn up based on two

unequal columns.

a) Outline

b) Mapping

c) Charting

d) Cornell



35. ….… method involves the use of dash or indented outline.

a) Outline 

b) Mapping

c) Charting

d) Cornell


36. ….…. like the name implies is meant to inform the listener

a) Informative speaking

b) Persuasive speaking

c) Entertainment speaking

d) Educative speaking



37. ….… is an essential part of language study.


a) Grammar

b) Sentence

c) Punctuation

d) Structuring



38. ….…. comprises of the way the sentences of a language are constructed or the distinctive features of a language construction.


a) Sentence

b) Punctuation

c) Structuring

d) Grammar



39. We can describe ……… as an individual’s stock of words.


a) Vocabulary

b) Sentence

c) Punctuation

d) Grammar



40. Pronunciation is basically the way a word is pronounced or ………

a) Structured

b) Proportioned

c) Articulated 

d) Used


41. ……  is a study activity that involves writing down information given by

another through speech.

a) Note making

b) Note taking

c) Note structuring

d) Note formatting


42. You can describe …….. as a means of conveying information or

expressing one’s thoughts and feelings in spoken or verbal language.

a) Listening

b) Observing

c) Speaking 

d) Talking


43. ….…. is your ability to easily speak a language while maintaining reasonable speed and accuracy.


a) Proficiency

b) Fluency

c) Specialization

d) Modelling




44. ….….. is a selective reading method where you read only the main ideas within a passage


a) Skimming

b) Scanning

c) Speed reading

d) Lip-sticking


45. ….…. involves quick reading with quick eye movements; focusing only on locating specific information


a) Speed reading

b) Lip-sticking

c) Scanning

d) Skimming


46. ….….. This is a more focused and concentrated reading.


a) Speed reading

b) Lip-sticking

c) Detailed Reading

d) Scanning


47. The SQ3R is an acronyms for……


a) Survey Question Read Recall Redeem

b) Survey Question Recite Recall Review

c) Survey Question Read Recall Review

d) Survey Question Recall Read Review




48. The practice of skipping back or re-reading the same information over and over is known as ……….

a) Regression

b) Repositioning

c) Revisiting

d) Retrogression



49. In ……….., you pronounce the words out-loud


a) Writing

b) Note taking

c) Vocalization 

d) Note making



50. SWOT is an acronym for ……..


a) Strengths Wittiness Opportunities Threats

b) Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

c) Skills Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

d) Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats


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Comments (3)

  1. Genuis

    Thank you sir

  2. UZONDU Chinyere

    Kudos to you

  3. Mohammed Rahmat

    Thank you very much we really appreciate ur effort nd Ambitious deed over us

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