

CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions


1. There is no such thing as the exact or univocal definition of …..

a) Chemistry

b) Psychology

c) Philosophy 

d) Accounting


2. Epistemology is the study or the ….. of knowledge.

a) Art

b) Philosophy

c) Science  

d) Biology 


3. Metaphysics is a general study of existence and…...

a) Existence

b) Fallacy

c) Sci-fi

d) Reality 


4. The word metaphysics are derived from the……. word meta-ta-physika, which means ‘after the physics.’

a) Latin

b) French

c) Greek

d) Hebrew


5. The word metaphysics was first used by Andronicus of Rhodes around ……. a commentator on Aristotle’s works.

a) 80 B.C.

b) 70 B.C.

c) 60 B.C.

d) 50 B.C.



6. According to Aristotle, philosophy is rightly called the ….. of the truth

a) moments

b) time

c) knowledge

d) word



7. ….. is the study of the totality of the concrete spheres of material reality.

a) Philosophy

b) Science

c) Arts

d) Biology



8. All but one is not a Source of Knowledge

a) Reason

b) Sense of experience

c) Authority

d) Institution


9. There are also ….. steps and procedures in any scientific inquiry that one cannot avoid.

a) two

b) ten

c) six

d) four


10. The word ‘logic’ is derived from the Greek word logike, meaning “possessed of


a) Reason

b) Intellectual

c) Dialectical

d) All of the above


11. John Locke argued that all of our ideas, whether simple or complex, are ultimately

derived from …..

a) reading

b) studying

c) experience

d) science


12. ….. mostly known as the branch of philosophy which deals with the

morality of human actions in society

Ans. Ethics


13. Philosophy really took off, though, with Socrates and Plato in the …..

Century B.C. 

a) 10th – 11th 

b) 5th – 4th 

c) 19th – 20th 

d) 8th – 9th


14. Aristotle was the ….. in the main trio of classical philosophers.

a) first

b) second

c) third

d) last


15. ….. tried to reconcile the rational philosophy of Aristotelianism and Neo-Platonism with Islamic theology.

Ans. Avicenna


16.  Medieval Christians….. were all part of a movement called Scholasticism

a) fellowship

b) members

c) brothers

d) philosophers


17. Traditionally, logic is divided into two main branches namely ….. and

….. logic 

a) Simple, soft

b) Maximum, medium

c) Formal, informal

d) None of the above


18. ….. grew out of wonder and curiosity.

Ans. Philosophy


19. A philosopher is a magician



20. St Anselm is often regarded as the first of the …...

a) Philosopher

b) Scientist

c) Scholastic

d) Teacher


21. The group that rejected all conventional desires for health,

wealth, power, and fame, and advocated a life free from all possessions

and property is known as …..

a) Cynicism

b) Stoicism

c) Hedonism

d) Epicureanism

22. ….. was just as concerned with natural philosophy and was also considered the first proper philosopher

a) Aristotle

b) Anselm

c) Thales of Miletus

d) Pluto


23. The minor branch of philosophy refers to the study of the fundamental

principles of the theory of education as distinguished from the science or art of …...

a) Human

b) Education

c) All of the above

d) None of the above


24.  St Thomas Aquinas is known for his five rational proofs for the existence of …..,

and his definition of the cardinal virtues and the theological virtues.

a) Man

b) Science

c) Philosopher

d) God


25. Premise is also one of the basic concepts in ….., It is known as evidence or


a) science

b) philosophy

c) logic

d) law


26. According to the law, everything must choose to be either …...

a) A or not A

b) A or not B

c) B or not A

d) All the above


27. Socrates was the ….. to systematize the discipline.

a) third

b) first

c) last

d) second

28. At ….. level, it helps to provide insight in distinguishing among values and to identify for oneself what is best and most relevant

a) higher

b) lower

c) some

d) moral


29. Professional philosophy is usually identified as that produced by African

philosophers trained in the ….. philosophical tradition

a) Southern

b) Eastern

c) Northern

d) Western

30. ….. is not primarily concerned with facts or the “is”, but rather with the “ought”.

a) Science

b) Law

c) Ethics

d) All of the above


31. Philosophical sagacity also known as ….. philosophy

a) man

b) human

c) sage

d) stage

32. ….. is generally considered the greatest, and certainly had the greatest influence on the theology of the Catholic Church.

Ans. St Thomas Aquinas


33. Logos is an expression of reason or order in words or things, principle, mathematical ratio, thought, or simply …..

a) action

b) word

c) believe

d) science


34. Formal logic is often used as a ….. for symbolic


a) antonym

b) synonym

c) addition

d) subtraction


35. The study of fallacies is an important branch of informal …..

Ans. Logic


36. ….. is also one of the traditional branches of philosophy

Ans. Epistemology


37. An / a ….. is a group of propositions that can be structured into two parts

that is premise

a) logic

b) argument

c) action

d) expressive


38. All but one is not the functions of language 

a) formative

b) Informative

c) Expressive

d) Evocative. 


39. Meta-Ethics It is the part of ethics that deals with the logic and….. of ethical

concepts and terms.

a) sign

b) format

c) words

d) Language

The TMA SOLUTIONS for exam study are now available kindly request by clicking HERE

40. St. Augustine He hailed from Tagaste in …..

a) South Africa

b) West Africa

c) North Africa

d) All the above


41. Reasoning and argument constitute the ….. and last stage of any logical process.

a) first

b) second

c) forth

d) Third


42. ….. does not necessarily mean the last sentence

a) Full stop

b) Question mark

c) Conclusion

d) Argument


43. At least ….. propositions or statements form an argument otherwise, it is not an argument.

a) ten

b) two

c) one

d) five


44. A ….. can never talk of major, minor or middle term of a reposition.

a) logician

b) scientist

c) philosopher

d) None of the above


45. Spinoza happens to be the ….. great figure of Rationalism.

a) last

b) second

c) first

d) third


46. ….. born Philosopher K.C. Anyanwu defined African philosophy as “that which concerns itself with how African people of the past and present make sense of their destiny

a) African

b) American

c) United

d) Nigerian


47. The appeal of ignorance means that the conclusion of an argument is proven

simply because everybody has proved the opposite.



48. A.…. definition is a form of proposal or resolution to use the term to mean whatever it is used for.

Ans. Stimulative


49. A statement such as, “All Human beings” falls under the category of a ….. proposition.

Ans. universal


50. It urges that all knowledge obtained by the senses is of what is already existent outside …..

a) the body

b) the sense

c) themselves

d) A and B



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  1. Adesanya Arowolo

    Very supportive

  2. Benson Goodness Oneshiorona

    Pls how do I I get to join the class?

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    2. Dami

      Thank you sir

  3. Emma

    Thank you sir

  4. Ginah

    The exercise is very supportive. Thank you Sir.

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