

CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions












 1. ………… is the force which pulls every object in the universe toward every other object in the universe (Arkady: 1997)

 a) Gravitation

b) Scence

c) Nature

d) Technology


 2. The word ‘science’ is derived from the Latin word, ‘scientia’ which means


 a) Wisdom

b) Understanding

c) Knowledge

d) All of the above


3. Science can be viewed as an/a ……… which comprises millions ofExpert

a) individual

b) institution

c) output

d) subject


4.  Formal sciences have a ………  and deductive character

 a) Way

b) Method

c) Formula

d) formal


 5. Which of the following is not an example of a law of nature

a) Law of the uniformity of nature

b) Law of causation

c) The law of demand

d) The law of natural selection


6. Answers without evidence are really unsupported …….

 ANS: opinions.





7.  Our ability to predict events and apply the fundamental laws of the sciences depends on this ………….

a) law of demand

b) law of nature

c) law of uniformity

d) all of the above



8. The pursuit of peace arises simply as an indication of the kinds ……. that pose a major threat to mankind.

a) progress

b) problems

c) result

d) law

 9. Logic as you may already know is concerned with ……. reasoning or thought.

a) human

b) demand

c) people

d) man



10. Other statements in an argument are called ……….

 ANS: premises



11. A ……… explains how things are related or their common properties. 

a) law

b) demand

c) theory

d) scientist



12.  In 1928, ………………… accidentally observed the effects of microorganisms (fungi) named Penicillium on a bacterial culture

a) Alexander Fleming

b) J.S. Mill

c) Darwin

d) Robert Boyle



13.   A …………… is an explanation about the cause or causes of a broad range of related phenomena


ANS: scientific theory



 14. The idea of a law-governed universe assumes that the universe is ………

a) uniform

b) unite

c) one

d) round



15. Technology is as old as man himself




16. ………. is defined as a mental process in which various discoveries and observations are combined and guided by experience into some new tool or operation.

 a) Theory

b) Law of demand

c) Invention

d) Science



17. Biotechnology has helped to improve agriculture and ……. production by increasing yields of plants and animals.


a) food

b) plants

c) animals

d) all of the above



 18.  Methodology is one of the divisions of ………..

Ans. Philosophy


 19.  ……….. work on the assumptions of some facts and on general Principles

 Ans: Scientists



20. Thus anything that cannot be observed cannot be investigated by ……..

 a) human

b) science

c) scientists

d) doctor


 21. There is a general belief that the universe and all aspects of it are …….. governed

Ans: law


22. Scientific research leads to the accumulation of facts about …….

 a) law

b) theory

c) human

d) nature


 23. ………… is the first step of the scientific method.

Ans: Observation


24.  …………….. can provide the necessary evidence and anyone who experiments after guessing at answers becomes truly ‘scientific’ in his approach.

Ans: Experimentation


25. A discovery is a new way of looking at a / an……… phenomenon  

Ans: old


 26. Developing nations such as Nigeria and other African countries, are beginning to realize one essential difference between them and the so-called ………..

Ans: developed nations


 27.  ………… involves the seemingly quite unscientific procedure of guess

Ans: Hypothesis formulation


 28. Experience guides somebody to make use of his various ………. and observations to produce new tools or operation.

Ans: discoveries


29. ……….. made a significant contribution to explaining this law He declared, that in nature selecting the ‘fit’ and rejecting the ‘unfit’

 a) Alexander Fleming

b) J.S. Mil

c) Darwi

d) Robert Boyle



30. A genuine scientific knowledge according to philosophy is characterized by except

 a) Systematic

) Uniformity

c) Objectivity

d) Universality


 31. Technology may be subdivided into two groups, list them.

Ans: classical low technology and science based high technology.



32. Experimentation can provide the necessary evidence and anyone who experiments after guessing at answers becomes truly ‘………’ in his approach.

Ans: Scientific


33. The generic word ‘technology’ is used here to refer to the whole area of ………… technology.

a) production

b) manufacturing

c) philosophy

d) science


34. …………. refers to technology obtained through relevant software and during the repairs/maintenance of the item.

Ans: Acquisition technology


 35. ………… also helped man to get what he wanted.

 a) Money

b) Fame

c) Technology

d) Science


36. While logic is concerned with validity or soundness epistemology is concerned with the …… of our assertions or propositions

 a) truth

b) grace

c) money

d) silence



 37. The belief found in primitive and traditional thought as well as in ……… scientific thought.

 a) local

b) modern

c) contemporary

d) none of the above


38. ……….. are made with the aid of the senses just as our hypothetical student observed the maize grains with his eyes.

 a) Direct observations 

b) Indirect observation

c) Modern observation d) Local observation



 39. The deterioration of the human environment is known as


Ans: Pollution


40. ……… is both the process and the product of investigation and research.


ANS: Science


41. ………. deals with ways of attaining knowledge

 a) Methodology

b) Observation

c) Invention

d) Nature


42. Man’s technical progress is believed to be governed by two elements, which are ……. and …….


Ans: discovery and invention


43.  As the facts accumulate, ………. them into higher knowledge becomes imperative.

 a) arranging

b) sorting

c) organizing

d) dividing


44.  The natural sequence, regularity and pattern of behavior of things is evidence that there is a causal order.



45. ……………… in the year 1642 – 1727 was a brilliant mathematician and physicist. He is remembered mainly for his laws of motion.

 a) Isaac Newton

b) Robert Hooke

c) Michael Faraday

d) Christian Huygens


46. To be of value to science, a ………. must be relevant and it must be testable.

Ans: question


47. …….. technology differs from low technology because high expertise in the relevant basic sciences like physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc. is crucial.

 a) Low

b) Medium

c) High

d) None of the above


48. ……… is defined as the application of scientific knowledge and research, with the aim of developing products or processes for the use of man.


Ans: Technology


49. Basic sciences are also known as ………


Ans:  pure or fundamental sciences


50. Science is said to be informal if its contents, arguments and procedures obey certain rules.




51. ………… in Nwala (1997) defined laws of nature as nothing but the uniformities, which exist among natural phenomena


Ans: J.S. Mill


 52. ………..  can be defined as man’s systematic effort to understand natural



Ans: Basic sciences   

 53. Scientists call this assumed answer ………


Ans: hypothesis


54. The following are scientific methods except

 a) Observation

b) Problem definition 

c) Experimentation

d) Gravitatio


55. ……… are concerned primarily with applying the results of basic

sciences to practical uses.


Ans: Sciences in application


56. The process where the technological product is first obtained. It is then dismantled and reproduced with infused local input, based on useful indigenous technology known as ……

Ans: Adaptation technology


57. The covert taking away of technology without the consent of its originator or producer is refers to

Ans: Poached technology


58. …………. is regarded as the Father of Chemistry.

Ans: Robert Boyl


59.   ………….. Observations are performed with the aid of instruments.

Ans: Indirect


60. Philosophy of ……. is the systematic study of the nature of science, especially its methods

 a) man

b) science

c) nature

d) chemistry


 61. There are ……. kinds of specialized cells in man.

a) three

b) four

c) six

d) five


62. ……….. and rudimentary culture started with them and they also introduced the use of tools

Ans: Languagr


63. The first hominids emerged 5 million to 10 million years ago during the ……….

Ans: Miocene period


64. One of the chief tasks of ………. is the analysis of the language of science or semiotic

 a) science

b) natu

c) law

d) philosophy


65. …….. was born on August 23, 1954 in Akure, Nigeria.

a) Philip Emeagwali

b) Raymond Dart

c) Marie Curie

d) Prof. Mobison


 66. According to evolution, man evolved from …… consisting of the monkeys, gibbons, gorillas and chimpanzee

ANS: aper

67. ……….. constitute the zoological family to which human beings belong

ANS: Hominid

68. There is a group of ……. chromosomes within the nucleu 70. ……………… is a chief consultant Anesthesiologist. ANS: Col. Dr Oviemo O. O vadje

 71. …………… are the earliest human

ANS: Homo habili

72. A gorilla matures at age ………. whereas it takes a man twice that age to reach his full stature and powers

a) 20

b) 15

c) 10

d) 30

 73. …………… is the cell responsible for the birth of new organisms.

 ANS: Reproductive cell


 74. The father’s cell is called the …………. which fuses with the mother’s cell called the egg

 ANS: spermatozoa


 75. Australopithecus africanus was discovered in ……… in South Africa by Raymond Dart

 ANS: 1924


76. Fossils of human-like forms discovered in Africa were about ……….. years old

ANS: 4 million

 77. Acronym for NASA 

Ans: National Aeronautics and Space Administration


78. ……….. is made up of the most complex type of cell structu

Ans: Man


79. According to the theory, all living things (animals and plants) have evolved from simpler forms through a gradual process of ………

 Ans: chang


80. It takes the earth approximately ………  to rotate or turn on its axis.

Ans: 24 hour


81. WHO means

World Health Organizatio


82. ……….. reasoning is a logical approach where you progress from general ideas to specific conclusions

Ans: Deductive


83. The pithecanthropoids were probably forest men that traveled in small family groups and sought shelter in ………

Ans: caves


 84. Both ………… and astronomy study the structure of the universe.

Ans: philosophe


85. IAU means

 Ans: International Astronomical Union


 86. The ozone gas is being continually formed and destroyed due to radiation from the ……

Ans: su


87. The first evidence of the use of fire by ……… occurred at the campsite of this species in the Rift Valley of Kenya at about 1.4 million years ago.

 a) philosopher

b) apes

c) humans

d) molp


88. There are ………. planets in the solar syster

a) eight

b) nine

c) seven

d) four


89. Knowledge about the world general was called ………….

Ans: philosoph


90. what distinguishes man and places him high above all other earthly and visible creatures is his infinite capacity to …….

 Ans: creat


91. The zip used to fasten a piece of loathing, especially women’s dresses was invented by ……….

Ans: W. L. Judsos


92. The fleshy parts of the body which expand and contract and thereby enable other parts of the body to function or move is known as …….

Ans: muscle cell


93. Christian account of man’s origin can be found in chapters 1 and 2 of the Book of ………. in the Holy Bible.

 a) Revelation

b) John

c) Proverb

d) Genesis


94. The ………. are like the telephone wires of the body

 a) vein

b) nerves

c) skin

d) blood cell


 95. …… is responsible for transmitting hereditary characteristics and for the building of proteins.

Ans: DNA


96. A hasty implementation of some scientific discoveries like the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the ……… World War

 a) firse

b) second

c) fourth

d) thired


97. The ………. is the layer from the sea level to about 5 miles high at the North Pole and 11 miles at the equator.

Ans: troposphere


 98. Within the stratosphere is the region of gas called ……….

 Ans: ozone


 99. The sun and the nine planets that revolve around it andtheir satellites, plus the minor planes called ……….

Ans: asteroid


100. A sound ……… must encourage the examination of scientific inventions

Ans: philosophy















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