
GST101 Exam Practice Questions and TMA Solutions

GST101 Exam practice questions and tma solution
CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions

GST101 Exam Practice Questions and TMA Solutions










1.     ________ is a compulsory day-to-day activity of the program.

a.      Speaking

b.     Note-taking

c.      Earing

d.     Listening


2.     You need the skill of listening ________and comprehending what is conveyed to you as information.

a.      Professionally

b.     Sensitively

c.      Deeply

d.     Accurately


3.     A listener is anybody who can listen to ________ said.

a.      Most things

b.     Everything

c.      Anything

d.     Few things


4.     If you are deaf, you still listen to________language.

a.      Vocal

b.     Oral

c.      Written

d.     Sign


5.     There are mainly two types of listening, namely- listening in a general, social setting and listening for ________purposes.

a.      Niched

b.     Specific

c.      Generalized

d.     Social



6.     listening to ________ evaluate what a speaker is saying.

a.      Attentively

b.     Specially

c.      Critically

d.     Generally


7.     Anybody with a ________ ear can listen.

a.      Dysfunctional

b.     Impaired

c.      Functioning

d.     broken



8.     effective listening is difficult amid ________

a.      Fidgeting

b.     Discussion

c.      Reading

d.     interruption



9.     The third listening-enabling skill is ________

a.      Willingness

b.     Attentiveness

c.      Focus

d.     Ability



10. The fourth listening-enabling skill is ________

a.      Socialization

b.     Relationship

c.      Note-taking

d.     Reading


11. You listen to ________, and you ________, while listening.

a.      Comprehend, understand

b.     Understand, evaluate

c.      Evaluate, analyze

d.     Comprehend, comprehend


12. As you ________, you must always be ready to comprehend.

a.      Read

b.     Scan

c.      Listen

d.     Write




13. Comprehension is at different levels during the ________of listening.

a.      Science

b.     Art

c.      Philosophy

d.     Discipline


14. You need more than ________ to comprehend.

a.      Pictures

b.     Words

c.      Diagrams

d.     Chats



15. note-making as an activity done during ________

a.      Quite a time

b.     Speed reading

c.      Study time

d.     Scanning



16. Which of these is not the correct way to take Notes from Lectures

a.      Listen carefully to the lecture

b.     Understanding

c.      Put down the summary of the main point

d.     Do not use abbreviations



17. i.e.

a.      That is

b.     That was

c.      For example

d.     Illustrations


18. b/4

a.      believe

b.     before

c.      become

d.     became


19. Prep

a.      Preparation

b.     Preposition

c.      Presume

d.     Perform


20. i/c

a.      in charge

b.     in chance

c.      in form

d.     in jest


21. etc

a.      and so on

b.     furthermore

c.      illustration

d.     turn over


22. syn

a.      Synthetics

b.     Syndicates

c.      Synching

d.     Synonyms



23. sb

a.      Somebody

b.     Submerge

c.      Substitute

d.     Submerge



24. Listening for General Impression is the type of listening comprehension that is not restricted to instruction, directions, or ________.

a.      Symbols

b.     Fallacy

c.      Facts

d.     fables



25. Data can also be stored in the form of figures.

Ans. T / F


26. Figures or scores are representations of information.

Ans. T / F


27. You need the main idea to be able to determine the major points to be put down as notes.

Ans. T / F


28. Listening for interpretation and critical evaluation is the type of skill that can enable you to be the real master of what the speaker is saying.

Ans. T / F



29. high-order skills you need to perform creditably well while listening to a talk, a speech, or a lecture is the skill or ability to interpret the speaker’s ________

a.      Understanding

b.     Philosophy

c.      Viewpoints

d.     View



30. Interpretation involves ________ meaning out of what is said.

Ans. Deriving



31. ________ analysis and evaluation involve passing value judgments, generalizing, and drawing conclusions after careful analysis.

Ans. Critical


32. Listening ________ should go beyond comprehending what is heard

Ans. Comprehension


33. ________ enlighten you and make you intelligent.

Ans. Books


34. The slowest speed is what you may call ________ for proper understanding of what you read.

Ans. Study speed


35. fastest reading speed is otherwise known as ________

Ans. Skimming


36. Skimming and ________  are interchangeably used.

Ans. Scanning


37. You ________ to locate dates in a bulletin.

Ans. Scan


38. You ________ to determine whether or not the article favors our political party.

Ans. Skim


39. ________ will also be done to locate the names of lecturers in a prospectus.

Ans. Scanning


40.  ________ be used in looking for the telephone number and e-mail address of a company.

Ans. Scanning


41. Skimming and ________ are regarded at the fastest speed.

Ans. Scanning


42. According to ________a good reader achieves 50% comprehension while skimming.

Ans. Edward Fry


43. Note-making from books is not the same as ________ from lectures.

Ans. Taking notes


44. You need words in mostly every type of ________.

Ans. Communication



Choose the alternative you think best gives the meaning of the underlined word and fits into the context.


45. The man was sure of his acuity

a. keenness

b. bitterness

c. dishonesty

d. skilfulness


46. He calls the boy a mere fritter

a. shatter

b. Waste bag

c. foolish talker

d. bungle


47. Currently, all talk of a defensive nuclear war is preposterous since nobody is going to survive it.

a. unreasonable

b. coincidental

c. realistic

d. wasteful


48. Politicians are often cautioned to avoid making provocative statements. a. Talkative

b. inciting

c. contradictory

d. persuasive


49. Bala invariably turns in good assignments but he procrastinates a lot.

a. delays

b. tells lies

c. argues

d. tries to persuade


50. Many people consider celibacy unsuited to African culture.

a. profligacy

b. promiscuity

c. remaining unmarried

d. drunkenness


51. Danladi is a rather loquacious fellow

a. smooth and pleasant

b. good at languages

c. talkative

d. uninspiring


52. Our strategy is to adapt to the new situation.

a. adopts

b. adhere

c. adjust

d. admit


53. Some local brewers used to describe it as illicit.

a. illegitimate

b. unlawful

c. prohibited

d. unlicensed.



54. The prospects are rather ominous: there is no joking about it.

a. gloomy

b. attractive

c. tragic

d. promising


55.  The death of Musa is admonitory to drug addicts.

a. tricky

b. fearful

c. high-handed

d. a warning


56. The Nigerian economy has been most resilient in the context of international economic fluctuation.

a. vulnerable

b. enduring

c. fragmented

d. dynamic



57. Investment in uranium exploitation can be hazardous.

a. doubtful

b. handy

c. unprotected

d. risky


58. Prefixes are the ________  part of a word.

a.      Second

b.     Third

c.      First

d.     Last


59. Suffixes are the ________ part of a word

Ans. last


60. ________ student’s approach to always turn to the dictionary for any meaning of a word

Ans. Lazy


61. Dictionary slows down your reading ________

Ans. Speed


62. ________  are central to all academic fields

Ans. Word



63. 1st Categories of words that cut across all fields these are called ________ word

Ans. Common-core


64. ________  Texts Perhaps the most common of all the texts; tell stories, informal style, full of slang and colloquialisms, etc.

a.      Narrative

b.     Scientific

c.      SExpository

d.     Descriptive


65. Expository texts are more formal than ________ texts.

Ans. Narrative


66. Science has dominated all spheres of life

a.      Populated

b.     Dominated

c.      Permeates

d.     Circulates



67. The bulk of ________ activities are science-based.

Ans. academic


68. Reading for ________  and critical evaluation demands a thorough understanding of the passages you are reading.

Ans. Interpretation


69. Reading for interpretation is in ________

Ans. Stages


70. A ________ mind is an intelligent mind.

Ans. Critical


71. The more familiar you are with the topic, the better the ________

Ans. Comprehension



72. Comprehension is at different levels- superficial and ________ comprehension

Ans. deep


73. ________ in listening activities is important.

Ans. Flexibility


74. ________ to mean taking notes from lectures or speeches.

Ans. note-taking



75. Reading becomes also more interesting if the knowledge of the ________ of scientific texts is known

Ans. Characteristics


76. This age is popularly referred to as a ________ age

Ans. Scientific


75. Reading comprehension may involve all ________ forms

Ans. Verbal


76. ________ texts are organized in logical, sequential order.

Ans. Expository


77. ________ texts are common because they tell stories and many people like interesting stories.

Ans. Narrative



78. You need to read stories to increase your reading ________and

comprehension rate.

Ans. Speed


79. Words and their meanings are ________.

Ans. Powerful


80. The slowest speed is what you may call ________ speed

Ans. Study


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