

CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions



1. Adolescents who are delinquents are said to accept the ….. role

a) parents

b) delinquent

c) mother

d) father


2. Most of the juvenile delinquencies involved theft of some sort, violent ….. was also common.

a) crime

b) behavior

c) character

d) manner


3. New ….. colonies reflect the Biblical Scripture of Deuteronomy 21:18-21

a) Hebrew

b) Greek

c) Francisco

d) England


4. The oldest known set of written laws against delinquency is the Code of …..

Ans. Hammurabi

5. The ….. home is produced by a separation or divorce.

a) Rich

b) poor

c) unity

d) broken

6. Factors such as genetic influences also predispose the ….. to delinquency.

a) youngsters

b) girls

c) boys

d) teenagers


7. The early starters in delinquency are the youngsters who begin their criminal activities before the age of ……

a) 10

b) 13

c) 18

d) 15

8. ….. is a legal term for criminal behaviors carried out by a juvenile

Ans. Delinquency


9. In a study by Patterson (1986), it was discovered that ….. percentage of antisocial behavior was because of family interaction.

a) 30 -40

b) 10 – 20

c) 90 – 100

d) 30 – 50


10. Status offenses are those offenses or act which would not be considered as an offense if it is committed by an/a ……

a) illiterate

b) individual

c) adult

d) group


11. The juveniles were sent to ….. for theft and murder while at the same time, others received harsher penalties.

a) Juvenile home

b) prison

c) Police station

d) Army barracks

12. According to Morris, ….. adolescence is a buffer stage between childhood and adulthood.  

a) 1990

b) 1993

c) 1998

d) 1996


13. ….. in 1987 cited in Regoli and Hewitt, 2006 advocates that contraception and abortion are anathema to family life.

a) Hayes

b) Morris

c) Patterson

d) Paul Tappan

14. ….. is the crime of obtaining money or property by false pretense.

a) Stealing

b) Fraud

c) Trade by batter

d) Hijacking


15. Delinquency is a legal term for ….. behaviors carried out by a juvenile

a) children

b) teenagers

c) adults

d) criminal


16.  The prisons that are designed to cater for women convicts are known as …..

Ans. Women prisons


17. What is the acronym of NDLEA

a) National Diamond Law Enforcement Agency

b) National Drug Law Enforcement Agency

c) Nigerian Daily Law Enforcement Authority

d) National Drug Law Enforcement Academy


18. Moot is an informal court found in many ……. societies.

a) Asia

b) African

c) European

d) Chinese


19. Restorative justice is a policy based on restoring the damage caused by ……..

a) Natural disaster

b) Accident

c) Justice

d) Crime  




20. Criminal behavior is often a result of …… problematic behavior.

a) Unattended  

b) Escalating

c) Ignored

d) Resolved


21. The biological approach looks at the adolescent life through ……changes in the puberty stage.

a) Psychological

b) Chronological

c) Biological 

d) Philosophical


22. …..Tappan provided the legalistic definition of Juvenile delinquency.

a) John

b) Aries

c) Paul

d) Ayo

23. A person is guilty of ….. if he threatens to commit any crime of violence to terrorize or cause serious public inconvenience, or in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience.

a) Rape

b) Narcissism

c) Man slaughter

d) Terrorism  


24. The criminal code, sections 218, 221, and 222 caps 77 laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990 making it an offense to defile a ……

a) Man

b) Woman

c) Girl

d) Boy


25. Cesar, F. Rebellon, as cited in Reid ……, research shows that many children from broken homes do not become delinquent.

a) 2005

b) 2006

c) 2007

d) 2008

26.  .…. should be taught the value of sexual abstinence or deferment until


a) Youths

b) Children

c) Teenagers

d) Adolescence  


27. The peer groups are people with common interests and social positions who are usually of the same …….

a) Level

b) Class

c) Age

d) Band


28. In girls, the growth spurts in the first menstrual period (Menarche) between 12 and ….. years.

a) 11

b) 12

c) 14

d) 13


29. …… use usually brings about delinquency among the youths.

a) Water

b) Wine

c) Sport

d) Drugs 


30. At the end of the seventeenth century, concern over ….. delinquency becomes widespread.

a) Adolescence

b) Juvenile 

c) Aged people

d) Warriors


31. Crime statistics is the basic and official …… for the measurement of crimes.

a) Survey

b) Approach

c) Instrument 

d) Data


32. Violent crimes are also committed by persons acting under the influence of drugs other than alcohol.

a) Committed

b) Averted

c) Propagated

d) Discussed


33. According to the psychological view, adolescence is characterized by an emotional and turbulent field of the storm and……., brought on by the various biological changes of puberty.

a) Stress

b) Mood

c) Activities

d) Psyche


34. In mental health view, mental health professionals consider delinquency to include a wide range of ……. behaviors that may involve aggression towards others.

a) Hyper

b) Good

c) Disruptive

d) Aggressive


35. According to ……., juveniles with criminal fathers are much more likely to commit juvenile offenses.

a) Mustapha

b) Happiness

c) Hawkins

d) Adebayo

36. Cannabis is obtained from the …….. hemp plant called cannabis sativa.  

a) Nigeria

b) Togo

c) Angola

d) Indian


37. The puberty period introduces some dramatic and obvious ……..

a) Character

b) Behaviour

c) Changes 

d) Attitude


38. The educational school of thought regards delinquent behavior as that which interrupts or disturbs the classroom ……..

a) Learning

b) Education

c) Activities

d) Development  


39. According to Wolfgang …… the effects of alcohol are clearly associated with crimes of violence and sexual aggression.  

a) 1954

b) 1955

c) 1956

d) 1958


40. Girls who report greater emotional distance from their parents and who rarely talked with parents about their activities are more likely to become ……. mothers 

a) Bad

b) Aggressive

c) Single

d) Incapacitated

41. ……is the killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or omission of another, death occurring at any time.

a) Man slaughter

b) Homicide

c) Murder

d) Suffurcation


42. There are …… different terms we use to characterize the structure of social control. 

a) Three

b) Two

c) One

d) None of the above


43. Every ……. has its own unique culture, which is transmitted from generation to generation as social heredity.

a) Party

b) Group

c) Community

d) Clans


44. The Puritans viewed juvenile delinquency as being born in ……

a) Love

b) Peace

c) Violence

d) Sin


45. According to the legal system, it establishes that government considers persons under the age of …… to be juvenile.

a) 18

b) 17

c) 16

d) 15


46. …… is the act of wrongfully appropriating funds that have been entrusted into one’s care but which is owned by someone else.

a) Bribery

b) Money laundering

c) Embezzlement

d) Theft   


47. In ……. after the Nigerian-Biafran war, there was an ever-increase rate of crime.

a) 1970

b) 1971

c) 1972

d) 1973


48. Martha M. Butt, in the book The Fair Child Family (1818), said that all children are by nature ……

a) Deceitful

b) Good

c) Playful

d) Evil  


49. Among adolescents, ……. rebelliousness and experimentation is always common.

a) 10 -19

b) 09 – 13

c) 19 – 20

d) 05 – 09


50. delinquent youngsters mostly come from families with neglectful, hostile, and antisocial …….who fail to instill self-control and a healthy conscience.

a) Mother

b) Fathers

c) Parents

d) Families 

In Conclusion

The Sociology of Crime and Delinquency CSS211 computer-based exam practice questions and answers are deliberate questions entrusted by a professional, properly structured, and present for the study of students doing the course. 

We would appreciate your feedback, constructive criticism,m, and recommendations, if you have any kindly use the comment section below. 

Succees in your exams.

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  1. Happie


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