

CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions









1. ________ is the systematic study of the groups and societies in which people live.

ANS: Sociolog

2. organic solidarity derived from agreement to tolerate a range of differences ________

ANS: conflict


3. Deviance is seen as non-conformity to a given norm, or ________ of norms, which are accepted by a significant number of people in community or society.

a) group

b) set

c) special

d) more


4. ________ is defined as a set of beliefs, symbols, and practices which is based on the idea of the sacred, and which unites believers into a socio-religious community

 a) Religion

b) Sociology

c) Culture

d) Marriage


5. ________ is the capability of using physical force to achieve influence.

 a) Position power

b) Negative power

c) Resources power

d) Physical Power


6. Anthropology shares Sociology’s interest in the impact of social structure and culture on ________

a) environment4

b) behaviour

c) belief

d) human


 7. These are social Issues in Sociology except

 a) Rape

b) Armed Robbery

c) Lies

d) Assassination


8. Sociologists use methods which are mainly scientific in discovering facts about human beings

Ans: scientific


9. Invention has to do with combining existing elements of ………. so that some thing new could be produced.

 a) science

b) marriage

c) culture

d) none of the above


10.  Survey a method of systematically collecting ________ from people about their behaviour, attitudes and belief

a) information

b) data

c) necessity

d) application


 11. The ________family appears to be as a result of industrialization and modem development

 a) nuclear

b) extended

c) polygamous

d) monogamous


 12.  There are ________ basic types of marriage

 a) four

b) five

c) one

d) two


 13. Legge in 1973 describes________ as the capability of exercising influence over the attitudes and/or behaviour of other individuals or group

 a) marriage

b) social science

c) power

d) sociology


 14.  ________  refers to shared, consensual and learned pattern of behaviour

 Ans: Culture


 15.  FRSC means

a) Federal Road Safety Corps

b) Federal Road Safety Crops

c) First Road Safety Corps

d) Federal Reward Safety Corps


16.  Murdoch argues that the family performs ________basic functions in all societies.

a) one

b) three

c) two

d) four


 17.  Marriage is traditionally conceived to be legally recognized ________between an adult mate and female, that carries certain rig Hts and obligation

 a) home

b) relationship

c) union

d) all of the above


 18. ________ has been seen as the ability to ensure compliance despite resistance from the individual involved

 a) marriage

b) social science

c) power

d) sociology  19. Federal Road Safety was enacted in more than ________years ago

a) four

b) ten

c) six

d) twelve


20. Nuclear Family is also known as ________

 a) Elementary family

b) Conjugal family

c) All of the above

d) None of the above


21. ________ action is where the actor does not only and usually attach a subjective meaning

 a) Social

b) Loca

c) Area

d) Private


 22. Participant observation was coined by Eduardo Lineman in the year________ researcher who interacts with group members for the purpose of studying them

 a) 1942

b) 1924

c) 1922

d) 1944


23. ________ have regarded the family as the cornerstone of society

 a) Scientists

b) psychologist

c) Sociologists

d) None of the above


 24. George Peter Murdoch In a study called social structure, he examined the ________ of the family in a wide range of families in 1949

 a) union

b) meaning

c) institution

d) existence



25. Society is simply a collection of ________ person

 a) Individual

b) personal

c) some

d) all of the above


26. Archival research uses existing records, gathered originally for some other purpose, as ________

 a) information

b) process

c) data

d) record


27. ________ is the embodiment of the people, it is also of the things they share and do together

Ans: Culture


28. Socialization into ________ involves being socialized into various subgroups within the society

 a) groups

b) society

c) various

d) studies


29.  A man is said to have only one wife as a legal wife and no other one in ________ family

a) monogamous

b) polygamous

c) extended

d) none of the above


 30. The consensual element means simply that ________share it and agree to its meaning and importance.

 a) individual

b) a lot

c) many

d) one


31. Authority has been identified as meaning ________ use of power

 Ans: legitimate


32.  psychologist are most interested in the internal sources of ________

 a) science

b) water

c) living

d) behaviour


 33. Conformity is defined as ________ which follows the established norms of a group or society

Ans: behavior


 34. Monogamy is permitted where?a) Church

b) Mosque

c) Society

d) Neighborhood


 35. Economists and political scientists; says SOCIO = look at the nature of ________ action itself

 a) individual

b) social

c) private

d) all of the above


36. The three main sources of political legitimacy identified by Max Weber in 1946 are as follows except

a) Traditional

b) Charismatic

c) ratioal-legal authority

d) religion


37.  Durkheim meant the moral beliefs and ideas which formed the ‘common-sense’ underlying social life when referring to ________

  a) Solidarity

b) Sociologists

c) Scientist

d) psychologist


 38.  ________ are primarily interested in areas where social structure and culture intersect

 a) Socilogists

b) Scientists

c) Psychologist

d) Solidarity


 39. George Peter Murdoch in a study called ________structure, he examined the institution of the family in a wide range of families

a) human

b) science

c) social

d) political


 40.  people are motivated to be correct and norms provide ________about what is right and wrong

a) answer

b) information

c) solution

d) necessity


41. The family’s ________ for society are inseparable from its functions for its individual member

 a) tradition

b) functions

c) members

d) friend


42. All Social Sciences are concerned with human ________

a) being

b) resources

c) right

d) behavior


43. Authority is vested in the position or office, not in the ________

 a) person

b) company

c) individual

d) none of the above


 44. Emily Durkheim 18S8 – 19l7 was one of the early Sociologists


a) three

b) five

c) two

d) six


45. Religious beliefs affirm the existence of a divine or supernatural ________

a) power

b) order

c) challenge

d) dispute


46. ________differentiation can be expressed as meaning the divisions of every human society into distinctive social roles and functions, based upon both inherited and acquired differences.

Ans: Social


47. Material invent

Ans: inventorf


48. The ________ Churns have to do with the idea and materials available to the ________ch in medieval Europe and the Anglican Church in Elizabethan England

Ans: Catholic


49. Behavior and attitudes that are ________of people in a given social position

a) attitudes

b) characteristic

c) main

d) Ways


50.  The family’s functions for society are inseparable from its functions for its ________ members

a) individual

b) private 

c) local

d) all


51. All human ________ in so far as the actor attaches a subjective meaning to it.

a) thinking

b) behavior

c) way

d) beings


52.  According to Reverend Martin Luther King charismatic authority is based on special personal ________abilities


b) human

c) behavior

d) qualities


 53.  Our ________is affected by other kinds of groupings

 a) marriage

b) culture

c) behavior

d) none of the above


54. Anthropologists usually study non-western societies, preliterate societies, ________ Groups

a) small

b) large

c) medium

d) many


55. Systematic study of how social structures and cultures are________ and maintained or changed

a) formed

b) used

c) created

d) done


56. ________ is all human behavior in so far as the actor attaches a subjective meaning to it

Ans: Action

57. Leadership is not necessarily confined to one person, but may be shared between members



58.  A social group characterized by common residence, economic co-operation and ________

Ans: reproduction

59. Extended Family existence for a number of years for now, consists of two or more________ Families

Ans: nuclear

60.  Group marriage in which there are both ________wives and husband

a) single

b) plural

c) much

d) none

61.  Sociologist in the external sources of behavior, s look at the ________ of society and the effects that social class, gender roles etc.

Ans: working


62.  Monogamous Family This type of family is referred to as one man ________ Wife

 a) many

b) few

c) one

d) as much as he wants


63. ________ Power is the power to stop things happening

a) Negative

b) Positive

c) Resources

d) Expect

 64. Sociology is part of the family of social _______

a. life

b. means

c. sciences

d. all of the above


65. ________ is increasingly accepted, and is now the normal prelude to marriage

Ans: Cohabitation


66. A group of people________in the same room, or even on a common project, does not necessarily involve the group process

a) living

b) sleeping

c) playing

d) working


67. Polygamy is often associated with a shortage of ________

a. women

b. children

c. men

d. all of the above


68. There are levels of social, namely inter-personal level________three  and the total level of the society

Ans: group level


69.  Which of the following is an agents of socialization

a) Mass Media

b) Hosital

c) Church

d) None of the above


70. The subjective experiences of religion grow out of ________ and

Ans: beliefs



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  1. Bekky Love

    Really helpful

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