

CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions





1. one of the most important activities of human beings is …………

a) organization

b) managing

c) controlling

d) management


2. All resources have values and the values are always expressed in monetary …………


a) terms

b) value

c) worth

d) form


3. ……….  is aimed at calculating or predicting what is likely going to happen in the future.

 a) Decision making

b) Forecasting

c) Timing

d) Imagination


4. A good………. commands not only the focus of management, but also management action

 a) manager

b) leader

c) information

d) objective

5. We have stressed the fact that a manager should not be given ……….

without the commensurate authority

a) wages

b) allowance

c) responsibility

d) authority

6. Planning is defined as the design of a desired future and of effective and

efficient ……… of bringing it about.

a) method

b) reason

c) idea

d) ways

7. which of this is not a condition of organizing

 a) The manager must determine

b) The first condition is that there must be objective.

c) be a clear idea concerning the activities or the duties that must be perform

d) The third condition is the authority that the person occupying a position

8. Forecasting is aimed at calculating or predicting what is likely going to happen in the future

a) organization

b) company

c) future

d) market place

9. This necessitates finding customers/clients who will agree to accept the product or service at a price

Ans: selling 

10. The ………… Department performs planning for and measuring production progress

a) chairman

b) staff

c) manager

d) personnel


11. Centralization of authority is one source while decentralization is the spreading of authority take decisions down the organization line.

a) market

b) product

c) decisions

d) organizations


12. Management applies to any kind of …………

a) business

b) company

c) product

d) organization


13. ……… defined management as getting things done through the efforts of others.

ANS: Sir Reynolds



14. Which of these is a type of objectives

a) Short-term Objective

b) Middle term Objective

c) Long-term Objective

d) All of the above

15. ………… is the ability to work with people

a) Human skills

b) Human ability

c) Human power

d) Human brain


16. To spend organization’s resources on ………… projects does not indicate sound management


a) profitable

b) unprofitable

c) company

d) local


17. Production is to add ……… to goods or services.


a) value

b) more

c) price

d) utility



18. The application of principles is what is referred to as ………


ANS: art


19. The word management can also be used to separate a special class of people in an organization from other classes




20. ……….. is the ability to solve problems in ways that will benefit the



a) Designing skills

b) Planning

c) Conceptual skill

d) Human skill


21. The word “Administration” concerns the ……… down of policies


a) putting

b) setting

c) laying

d) none of the above




22. ……….. the ability to see the big picture of the end in view (objective) of

where you are going.


a) Human skill

b) Conceptual skill

c) Designing skill

d) Decision making


23. ……….. involves raising funds, safeguarding the funds against waste and expending the funds in a manner that will maximize the objectives of the organization.


a) Financing

b) Donation

c) Giving

d) Bank loan


24. The authority to take action and make decisions is known as


a) Staff relationship

b) Line relationship

c) Decision making

d) Liberty





25. Departmentation by geographical area ensures that all activities in a geographic area or territory are grouped and assigned to a manager who has other staff working under him





26. Another name for conceptual skill is ………


a) designing skill or the skills of visualization

b) human skill

c) conceptual skill

d) production skill


27. Centralization of authority is a rare case because absolute centralization means that there is no …………

a) payment

b) organization

c) manager

d) authority


28. Consequently, when you are making use of organizational resources, you are spending


a) time

b) resources

c) effort

d) money


29. fixed cost plus the variable cost that give you ……….

a) variable cost

b) total cost

c) fixed cost

d) marginal cost




30. The …………. is the cost you pay for machine, erecting buildings


Ans. fixed cost




31. The aim of all managers whether a senior manager or a junior one is made …………


a) name

b) fame

c) surplus/profit

d) heaven


32. ………. and ……… always go together and they cannot be Separated


a) Manager and staff

b) Manager and company

c) Human and behavior

d) Authority and responsibility


33. ………. is the process that measures current performance and guides it toward the accomplishment of some objective


a) Controlling

b) Leadership

c) Bossing

d) Monitoring


34.  One advantages of tall shaped structure necessary in a situation where a subordinate is new is ………


ANS: close supervision


35. The ………. on his own interest will regard management as employing suitably qualified candidates to fill existing vacancies


a) company

b) management

c) personnel manager

d) human resource



36. Span of control is simply the desirable member of subordinates that reports to the ……….


a) managing director

b) manager

c) admin

d) security



37. Technology is simply the manner of doing something to get the desired output.



38. ………… either by oral or written in a flat-shaped structured, superior officers must delegate


a) Statement

b) Word

c) Language

d) Communication


39. After a period of continuous observation, the next ………. is to classify the facts so as to be able to analyze them objectively

a) action

b) stage

c) step

d) thing

40.  all but 0ne are the Criteria for Drawing a Chart


a) Position

b) Heads

c) Lines of communication

d) All of the above


41.   The environment of management is never ………


a) change

b) static

c) improve

d) moved

42. Candidates judged to meet the recruitment of the job are selected and placed on the job they have applied for is known as ……


a) selection

b) choosing

c) placement

d) position


43.  Being given authority without the corresponding responsibility is …….

ANS: dangerous


44. …….. is anything that interferes with good communication.


a) Language

b) Song

c) Noise

d) Distance


45. A situation where few subordinates report to a manager is known as


ANS: Narrow span of control 


46. To ………  organization’s resources on unprofitable projects does not indicate sound management


a) waste

b) spend

c) misused

d) manage



47. Close control ……… that the manager looks at the work of the subordinate and companies that output again the standard that has been set.


a) supply

b) communication

c) demand

d) none of the above


48. Financial department carry out the following except


a) costing

b) financial accounting

c) records

d) pricing





49. The organizational charts indicate the formal n organizational relationships among ……….


a) board of director

b) staffs

c) marketers

d) executives

50.  Off the job training where the employee ……., the organization

to undergo the training.

a) leaves

b) join

c) involve

d) separate


51. While going for an/a ………… the candidates bring the original of the

credentials he claims to posses


a) meeting

b) conference

c) interview

d) examination


52.  The desirable member of subordinates that reports to the manager is known as ………….

ANS: Span of control 

53. ….……… training is where a person learns some technical skills within a defined period of time.

a) Apprenticeship

b) Staff

c) Business

d) Home




54. A ……… is a guide to action and provides the direction that all organizational efforts will follow


a) organization

b) promotion

c) policy

d) plan


55. An objective should be targeted at specific action.




56. An objective should be targeted at specific ………


a) result

b) behavior

c) area

d) design




57.  A good objective commands not only the focus of management but also ………… action

ANS: management


58. Government policies determine business practices and investment




59. Social environment concerns the norms, tastes, and habit of the target population in the …………

a) state

b) country

c) community

d) area



60. Sir Reynolds defined management as getting things done through the efforts of …………


a) human

b) staff

c) machine

d) others

61. The accountant will like to see management in terms of ………


a) cash sales

b) cash deposit

c) cash flow

d) cash discount



62. ……………. is aimed at calculating or predicting what is likely going to happen in the future.


a) Forecasting

b) Planning

c) Decision making

d) Management


63. An objective should be targeted at specific ……….


a) action

b) customer

c) result

d) skills


64. Technical ……… form the knowledge of and proficiency in activities involving methods, procedures and processes.


a) skills

b) result

c) action

d) customer


65. The environment of management is a/an ………. One


a) effective

b) noisy

c) dynamic

d) upgraded


66. when you are making use of organizational resources, you are spending money.




67. A ………………… which is a social system has its roles deliberately created so that the objectives of the organization can be achieved organization and informal organization.


ANS: formal organization


68. ……….. departmentation is the identification of necessary activities for the production and sales of product


a) Manager

b) Product

c) Sales

d) Items


69. In the process of planning in an organization ………. is being made


a) plan

b) action

c) discussion

d) decision


70. Committing mistakes along the line in the process of taking ……… can be fatal.


a) action

b) plan

c) decisions

d) orders


71. A flat-shaped structured limit to the activities a manager has to ………


ANS: perform


72. After a period of continuous observation, the next stage is to classify the facts so as to be able to analyze them objectively



73. scientists then look at them so as to find some cause and effects which they believe to be false




74.  ……………. refers to the right which an individual or department has through the process of delegation to control specified processes, practices or other matters relating to activities in other departments.


ANS: Functional authority


75. ………… means getting raw materials and transforming them into finished products or taking an idea and using it as a basis for providing service to others


a) Production

b) Manufacturing

c) Productivity

d) Transformation


76. the mind of man is like a ……… box


a) blue

b) green

c) white

d) black


77. Confusion sometimes ……. the terms line and staff departments


a) follow

b) allow

c) determine

d) support


78. Being given authority without the corresponding responsibility is …….


a) good

b) dangerous

c) none of the above

d) all of the above



79.  Organization Charts and manuals do not guarantee …….  Management


a) better

b) good

c) best

d) none of the above


80. ………. is simply the manner of doing something to get a desired



a) Behavior

b) Understanding

c) Technology

d) Work


81. It is the responsibility of the board to fashion out what should be the policy of an organization




82.  Interview is used inter changeably with ……….


ANS: selection



83. ……………… is used to mean the granting of right and approval from a superior source to a subordinate to function within prescribed limits.

ANS: Delegation of authority


84. After planning and organizing, ………. takes place.


a) marketing

b) controlling

c) managing

d) selling


85.  Centralization of authority is one source while decentralization is the spreading of authority take decisions down the organization ……


a) goal

b) achievement

c) line

d) plan


86. ……………. involves a written report which is based on job analysis.


ANS: Job description


87. Management is a word used by different ……… with varying meanings


a) philosophers

b) marketers

c) managers

d) people


88. The variable cost as the name implies, vary with the quantity that you are ………


a) marketing

b) buying

c) selling

d) producing


89. The point, simply put, where revenue is equal to the amount of money being spent is known as ……


ANS: break-even point





90. Management is important to any ……… in an organization


a) state

b) position

c) level

d) terms


91. Necessary in a situation where a subordinate is new on the job and can easily make ………. that can be fatal to the organization.


ANS: mistakes


92. whatever position you find yourself in an organization, you will feel the presence of …………


a) God

b) boss

c) staff

d) management



93. The management function of staffing is defined as filling and keeping filled, positions created in the organization venture.





94. Management has importance because there are core ……. associated with it.


a) values

b) important

c) advantages

d) plan



95. The personnel manager on his own interest will regard management as employing suitably qualified ………. to fill existing vacancies


a) staff

b) members

c) candidates

d) person


96. Managing is concerned with ………  main types of cost


a) one

b) three

c) four

d) two

97.  ……… is another management function which is futuristic.


ANS: Planning


98. …………  is breaking down of the main content of a job


a) Selection

b) Division

c) Job analysis

d) All of the above


99.   Span of control is simply the desirable member of subordinates that reports to the ……….


a) manager

b) admin

c) security

d) board of director


100. Job specification, is to specify what manner of a man or woman that can reasonably perform the task that has been analyzed and described.






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