


CBT Exam Practice Question and TMA Solutions



1. The cell is the basic unit of structure and function in ____ organisms.


a) Non-living

b) Organic

c) Living

d) Dead



2. Two scientists, Schliemann and Schwinn proposed what is commonly known as cell theory in 1838 and _____ respectively.


a) 1839

b) 1840

c) 1838

d) 1837



3. Plant cells are bounded by a relatively____ well, which is formed by the secretion of the protoplasm (living cell) within it.


a) Flexible

b) Thick

c) Rigid

d) Malleable


4. When plant cells divide, primary walls are _____.


a) Destroyed

b) Disorganized  

c) Conceived

d) Formed


5. cell is regulated by the ____ which is capable of replicating itself so that new

cells can be formed.


a) DNA

b) DNN

c) NNA

d) NAN


6. The protoplasm embraces the nucleus and ____.


a) Centripetal

b) Chronicles

c) Cytoplasm 

d) Mitochondria


7.  A nuclear envelop bounds the nucleus (a dense body) and fine deep staining threads called ____.


a) Fossil

b) Decompose

c) Algae

d) Chromatin 


8.  ____ cells have adrenaline, neurotoxin and the organelle centripetal which are not found in plant cells.


a) Human

b) Animal

c) Fabricated  

d) Natural


9.  Plants have more elaborate ____.


a) Structures

b) Epidermis

c) Structures

d) Membrane  


10. animal cells may have small vacuoles such as ____ vacuoles.”


a) Phygocytic

b) Citric

c) Prophylactic

d) Protoplasm  


11. Cells are of ____ kinds, different sizes shapes, and forms.


a) Same

b) Different 

c) Almost

d) Considerable  


12.  ____ invented the compound microscope, which combines two lenses for greater magnification.


a) Jansen

b) Tutor Ayo

c) Aristotle

d) Galileo


13. 1665 Robert Hooke, using an improved compound microscope, examined cork

and used the term “____” to describe its basic units.


a) Organism

b) Cell

c) Epidermis

d) Respiratory


14. In ____ bacteria were described for the first time as `animalcules.


a) 1677

b) 1676

c) 1679

d) 1674


15. ____ Rolland dramatically improved the quality of lenses. This was followed by

a rapid spread of interest in microscopy.


a) 1827

b) 1826

c) 1823

d) 1821


16. ____ Purine gave the name protoplasm to the contents of cells, realizing that

the latter were the living material not the cell walls.


a) 1841

b) 1842

c) 1843

d) 1840


17. Later the term ____ was introduced (cytoplasm + nucleus = protoplasm).


a) Cytoplasm 

b) Protoplasm

c) Toxoplasmosis

d) Epidermis


18. 1855 Chowder showed that all cells arise from preexisting cells by cell ____.


a) Osmosis

b) Diffusion

c) Division

d) Deceleration


19. In 1828 Haskell established that the nucleus was responsible for storing and

transmitting hereditary characters.


a) Haskell

b) Plato

c) Socrates

d) Aristotle


20. In ____ Mitochondria was discovered.


a) 1825

b) 1845

c) 1829

d) 1830



21. 1930s Electron _____ developed, enabling much improved resolution.


a) Microscope

b) Telescope

c) Oscilloscope

d) Follicles  


22.  For the organism to become tall or fat or big, series of cell

activities must have taken place.


a) Activities

b) Process

c) Relations

d) Interactions


23. A cell must be existing to give ____ to another cell.


a) Reproduce

b) Recreate

c) Birth

d) Being


24. According to _____  cell multiply to keep the organism growing (increase).


a) Biologist

b) Sociologist

c) Chemist

d) Anthropologist   


25. Cell division is very active at the ____ of a typical plant (Apex).


a) Middle

b) Button

c) Tip

d) Center



26. cytokines is the separation of the _____


a) Toxoplasmosis

b) Mitochondrial

c) Cytoplasm    

d) Mitochondrion


27. When the biologist says Osmosis, he is simply saying that ____ passes through

some membrane.


a) Water 

b) Air

c) Solid

d) Fluid


28. The membrane is the structure that allows the _____ to pass from one solution to the other.


a) Osmosis

b) Molecules

c) Endoplasm

d) Isogloss


29. In___ cell, the ectoplasm (not the cell wall) act as the differential permeable



a) Cytoplasm

b) Animal

c) Human

d) Plant


30. _____ is the process of selective transmission of a liquid in preference to

another or a solvent in preference to the solute through a semi-permeable

membrane .


a) Diffusion

b) Gaseous exchange

c) Plant

d) Osmosis 



31. _____ can not be seen with the naked eye.


a) Viruses

b) Insects

c) Pest

d) Rodents


32. Virus  do not have cell _____.


a) Wall

b) Fluid

c) Structure

d) Toxoplasmosis


33. When an organism lives and depends on another organism for its activities, that organism is said to be a _____.


a) Parallelogram

b) Dependent

c) Virus

d) Parasite


34. Viruses are parasites because they _____ in another living.


a) Live

b) Depends

c) Survives

d) Fast


35. The structure of virus consist of either DNA or _____.


a) RAN

b) MAR

c) RNA

d) DAN


36. A virus is 50 times smaller than a Bacterium.


a) Smaller

b) Bigger

c) Stronger

d) Faster


37. During the ____ phase the bacteria are adapting to their new environment and

growth has not yet achieved its maximum rate.


a) Nag

b) Lag

c) Mac

d) Pex


38. Any ____ in the number of cells is offset by the death of

other cells, so that the number of living cells remains constant.


a) Increase 

b) Decrease

c) Enlarges

d) Grow  


39. A _____ leaf is said to be pinnate when the rachis or mid-rib bears a number of leaflets arranged in opposite or alternate manner.


a) Compound

b) Composite

c) Confiscated

d) Compromised


40. _____  is when the rachis of pinnately compound leaf bears the leaflets directly.


a) Unpinnate

b) Pinnate

c) Alienate

d) Unilateral  

41. When the number of leaflets are _____, it is said to be

paripinnate whereas, if the leaflets are in odd number, it described as



a) Odd

b) Even 

c) Neutral

d) Decimal


42. ______ compound leaf shows a number of leaflets commonly joined like fingers arising from the petiole.


a) Palmately 

b) Solipsism

c) Plasma

d) Placid



43. The_____takes up water from the soil and send it upwards.


a) Stem

b) Branches

c) Root

d) Photosynthesis


44. The nature of the root ____ makes it to penetrate the soil particle and absorb water from the intervening spaces of the soil.


a) Stem

b) Hair

c) Tip

d) Vein


45. The xylem is made up of two types of conducting element: ____ and trancheids.


a) Vessels

b) Vein

c) Stem

d) Clavicle


46. The sepals are the green leaf-like structure that covers the bud before it ____.


a) Closes

b) Buds

c) Grow

d) Opens 


47. The brightly coloured _____ attract insects and far man; they are eye catching,


a) Genitals

b) Flowers

c) Petals

d) Ovals


48. The collection of carpels, this is the ____ part of the flower.


a) Maturity

b) Male

c) Trans

d) Female


49. Ovaries are of____ types


a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Six


50. The ovule is the part that develops to become the seed after ____.


a) Fertility

b) Reproduction

c) Pollination

d) Fertilization 

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  1. Simi

    Thank you boss

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